Denver Indoor Pool Capital Campaign



We need your support.

The founding board of DIP came together around shared interest and support for accessing water, and desire to

share aquatics with more of the community. We feel strongly about how aquatics benefits our lives and wish it

were more accessible.

Most of us can remember the first time we tried out for the swim team or attempted a new underwater sport. DIP

wants to serve as that invitation for everyone in the Denver region to see what aquatics are all about.

We are thrilled for the opportunities the DIP facility will bring to our community: teaching water safety for

Colorado families, and offering healing spaces for individuals looking to rehabilitate with the benefits of aquatic

therapy. The facility has the potential for the Denver region to host regional and national competitions, also providing

high-elevation training for international athletes.

Everyone, of all ages and ability, are truly welcome.

Consider yourself invited.



-DIPinc will strive to reach out to underserved populations and acknowledge that demographic changes can strain communities and create barriers for sharing civic and cultural institutions.

-The future DIPinc aquatic facility will provide opportunities to reduce cultural barriers and promote a community model of inclusivity and shared well-being.


-DIPinc is partnering with aquatics programs of all sizes to ensure pool times are convenient and accessible for all.

-Our goal is to build partnerships with local school districts to provide swim lessons to all students by the time they reach 3rd grade.

-Increase the vitality of the surrounding community near the DIPinc facility.


-Our state-of-the-art facility will be comprised the most sustainable materials, leading aquatic technologies and will coincide with all Leed Certification requirements.


-Our commitment to "Aquatics for everyone" does not stop at programming. Everything from landscaping and site design to tourism and community partnerships have been thoroughly tested to bring an experience that no other facility can provide! 

